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702 lines
A Quick Reference
Copyright (C) 1991 Erhard Hilbig
CONEX (latin connection) is used to communicate between IBM personal
computer and a mainframe or between 2 IBM PC's.
These are the highlights of the program:
- The IBM PC can be used as terminal via COM1 - COM4, via Interrupt 14,
DECNET LAT, FTP TCP/IP and B&W TCP/IP at a mainframe.
- Parameters like baudrate (50-115200), parity, full/half duplex,
xon/xoff or hardware handshake can be set in CONEX.
- Files can be transfered without protocol, e.g. to save a session to
- Several DOS commands can be used inside CONEX, such as "dir", "cd",
"del" or a DOS shell can be entered.
- All incoming characters can be sent to a printer.
- Files can be transfered to and from the mainframe via KERMIT
- Tektronix 4010/4014 and DEC VT102 can be emulated. The crosshair in
GIN mode can be moved by a mouse.
- Graphical output can be displayed on a HPGL plotter or transfered to
other programs.
- Up to 10 pages of screen output can be scrolled back to screen and
- All keys including the numerical keypad can be programmed.
- Incoming characters from the port can be remapped by the user.
- The configuration of CONEX can be saved to an ASCII file, which can
be protected by a password or CONEX can be patched by itself.
- Several sessions, especially net session, can be opened concurrently.
- CONEX is completely written in assembler and therefore very quick
and small. The only file necessary to run CONEX is "conex.exe".
| How to start CONEX |
Simply start CONEX version 6.1 with
conex [host name|number] [options]
host name - connect to name of host in a network
(must have been set with Alt-I before!)
host number - enter session 0 - 9 (default: 0)
/i<filename> - load different ini file (default: conex.ini)
| DOS Commands |
DOS commands can be executed nearly at any time using the alternate keys.
=> Alt-D(irectory) - list directory
When asked for "Dir mask:" you can enter filenames using wild cards ?
and *, e.g. you get all files ending with .asm if you enter "*.asm".
You can scroll the filenames using the cursor keys.
If you are to enter a filename e.g. with "Alt-E" or "S" in kermit
mode, you can switch to this screen with "page up/down". Multiple
files may then be selected with the keys "INS" or "DEL" or a single
file simply with "Return".
=> Alt-C(hange directory) - Change to another drive/directory
You can change to a new drive by adding "<drive>:" to your pathname.
=> Alt-E(rase) - Erase file
Wild cards cannot be used when entering the filename, but you can
switch to a selection menu with "Page up/down".
=> Alt-X (eXecute) - execute DOS commands
Any valid DOS commands can be executed. But if you want to enter the
DOS shell completely give "Return". You return to CONEX with "exit".
| Port Parameters |
=> Alt-I - Initialize connection
The following parameters can be modified
Host: name of the host to which you are connected. It is only
important if you are working on a network with LAT,
Port: Com, interrupt 14, LAT, PC/TCP or BW/TCP
Portnumber: 1, 2, 3, 4 (only COM/Int 14)
Baudrate: 50, 75, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 3600, 4800,
9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 (only COM/Int 14)
Bits/parity:7 space, 7 even, 7 odd, 7 mark, 8 odd, 8 even, 8 none
Stopbits: 1, 2 (only COM/Int 14)
Duplex: half, full
Handshake: none, hardware, xon/xoff (only COM/Int 14)
Prompt: You can enter the prompt of the connected machine here.
When you enter "return" in "edit mode" all characters
following this prompt are transmitted.
NOVELL offers interrupt 14 as a link to its programs, so you can use
it to connect in a NOVELL net.
LAT (Local Area Transport) is used to connect PC and mainframe via
DECNET. A resident program called "lat" must be loaded before using
this option. LAT is contained in DECnet-DOS which is available from
DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation). This software has been tested
with DECnet-DOS version 2.1.
With PC/TCP you can make a telnet connection on ethernet. The PC/TCP
kernel ("ethdrv") from FTP Software Inc. must be loaded before, it is
not public domain. The program has been tested with version 2.04/2.05.
PC/TCP is a registered trademark of
FTP software, Inc. anonymous file server
26 Princess Street vax.ftp.com (
Wakefield, MA 01880
(617) 246-0900
BW/TCP has the same features as PC/TCP. The internet number can be
entered directly as hostname or the hostname can be resolved with a
hosts file. Enter its location in Alt-Y. Hostname resolution with a
name server is not supported.
BW/TCP is a product from Beame & Whiteside Software Ltd.
Beame & Whiteside Software Ltd Tel + Fax:
P.O. BOX 8130 (416) 648 6556
Dundos, Ontario
L9H 5E7
=> Alt-S - Save all current parameters or Patch conex
The parameters are normally written to the file "conex.ini" and are
automatically read again when you start CONEX. If you select a
different name as save file you have to activate it with the command
line option "/i<filename>".
The following parameters are saved: port parameters (Alt-I), packet
parameters (kermit mode C-command), vt100-emulation (Alt-M), graphics
enabled (Alt-G), plot parameters (Alt-P) and status line (Alt-L) in
the different sessions 0 ... 9 and the keyboard macros. The save file
is an ASCII file which can be altered by a normal editor, see
"tech.ref" for more details. It can also be encrypted with a
password especially to protect the keyboard macros.
Replacing the ini-file by the exe-filename (normally "conex.exe") will
save parameters to conex.exe itself. Afterwards the INI-file is not
automatically read, lest you force CONEX to read it with the /i-option.
Password protection is not supported then.
=> Alt-0..9 - change to another session
Up to 10 different network session can be opened concurrently
depending on the limit of the resident network software. Port and
kermit parameter can be set differently in each session, the screen
is saved and restored, too. These sessions can be directly selected
with Alt-0 to Alt-9.
=> Alt-N(ame) - change to another session with host name
All sessions are listed and can be selected with the cursor keys.
Open sessions in a network are marked with an arrow.
=> Alt-B(reak) - send break
Sends a break over the serial line (short break), if Alt-B ist
pressed twice, the signals RTS and DTR are dropped for a short time
(long break). These commands are normally used to interrupt the
connection between mainframe and PC. In the networks NOVELL, DECNET
or TELNET a break is sent according to network standards.
| Terminal Emulation |
The PC can be used as a normal terminal. The folling modes can be
selected with function keys:
=> F7 - normal mode
All input characters are immediately sent to the mainframe.
=> F8 - edit mode, scroll back
In this mode the screen can be scrolled back and modified with the
cursor keys (home, end, left, right, up, down, page up/down, del,
ins, ctrl-end = delete to end of line). You can scroll back up to 10
screen pages. You can enter this mode with shift+cursor keys, too.
With "return" the cursor line is sent to the mainframe and CONEX is
switched back to normal mode. If a prompt has been defined with Alt-I
for this session it is stripped off. With ESC or F7 you return to
normal mode without transmitting anything.
=> F9 - kermit mode
Kermit must be started on mainframe to transfer files. (see below)
=> Alt-M - change emulation, character set
The PC behaves like a DEC VT102 terminal when it receives ESC
commands. Some keys send different code: function keys F1 - F4, cursor
keys, + key = return key on DEC terminal, the numerical keypad. The
keys "page up/down", "ins", "del", "home" and "end" send codes of an
VT202 terminal.
Character set 1 (characters 33-127) can be selected from ASCII, UK,
graphic, german and user. Character set 2 (characters 128-255) can be
selected from multinational and user. User character set is defined
=> Alt-L - change status line
You can select from the following items: 1. normal status line, 2.
empty status line, 3. status line with column numbers, 4. no status
line. The selection can be saved with Alt-S.
=> Alt-H - Help
This gives a list of all possible commands in CONEX, of modified
keys and last not least my address. Keys which have been replaced by
a single key are marked with an arrow.
=> F10 - quit CONEX
DTR and RTS can be dropped when you leave the program. If you changed
any parameters you are asked to save them. Network connections are
always closed.
=> Ctrl-backspace = DEL, Ctrl-return = LF
One of the unknown facts is that DEL (127) and LF (10) can be
produced this way.
Stop output to screen, any other key resumes output to screen again.
This command is executed by the normal keyboard device driver.
| Graphic Screen |
The program can switch automatically into graphic mode when it
receives a graphic commands and behave as a tectronix 4010 or 4014. The
following graphic cards are supported: hercules, CGA, EGA and VGA.
The graphic card is automatically detected on entry to CONEX.
=> F5 - enter graphic mode
The screen is switched into graphic mode. Some keys like Alt
combinations will not work any more in this mode.
=> Alt-G - enable graphic mode
When a graphics command GS, FS, US or ESC ENQ, ESC FF, ESC SUB is
received CONEX will automatically switch into graphic mode. You can
switch back to normal by pressing F7.
In GIN mode the crosshair can be moved using the cursor keys; the
shift key speeds up this movement. If a Microsoft compatible mouse is
connected and the mouse driver loaded you can move the crosshair with
the mouse as well.
=> Alt-P - Write plot file
The graphics can be written to a file in HPGL format and plotted on a
HPGL compatible plotter later on. Pagewidth, margins and velocity of
the pen can be selected as well.
| Writing Key Macros |
=> Alt-K - Write key macro
All keys can be programmed, if they are detected by BIOS (Int 11h)
calls. Characters in a macro are sent out at a rate of 10
The following keys have special meanings in programming:
F1 begin command character, here displayed as "<"
F2 end command character, here displayed as ">"
F3 seperation character in commands, here displayed as "|".
F4 enter function, alt, control keys literally
press F4 followed by special key
■IN0 virtual keys which must be entered using F4,I,N,#.
... When a new connection is opened the corresponding macro
■IN9 IN# is automatically started. On com ports a new connection
is determined from the presence of DTR and CTS.
The following combinations have special meanings in macros:
Wait for # seconds. # = 1...9
<R<string1> | <string2> | ...>
Wait until the mainframe sends <string1> or <string2> or ... The
strings must be seperated with key F3 "|".
<D#1 | #2 | ...>
Dial telephone number #1, if it is occupied try next number #2
... The special string sent before or after the phone number
must be set with Alt-Y, especially prefix (string before
number), suffix (string after number) and connect|fail (answer
of mainframe if connected or connection failed).
- Labels are ignored if you replace a key by a single key.
- A memory region of 10000 bytes is reserved for keyboard macros.
- During the execution of a macro inputs from the keyboard can be
done, only ESC stops the macro.
=> Alt-Y - configuration of CONEX
You can enter strings to dial a telephone number and page length
of printer which is activated by Ctrl + Print Screen. The dial
sequence is preset to Hayes modem.
| Transfer of Files without any Protocol |
=> Alt-W - write file
Use this command to save all incoming characters to a file either to
remember what you were doing or to transfer files. The transfer may
be interrupted with the Alt-W.
=> Alt-R - read file
The file is transfered to the mainframe as it is, especially CR and
LF at end of line are sent. The transfer can be interrupted with
=> Control + Print Screen - print incoming characters
All incoming characters are transfered to the printer. If a page
length is defined with Alt-Y, the printed pages will be numbered.
Pressing Control+Print Screen twice produces a form feed and page
numbering begins anew.
| Transfer Files in Kermit Mode |
You must start kermit on the mainframe and enter "server", "receive" or
"send", then press F9 to enter local kermit mode to start the file
=> I(nit parameter) P(acket)
These parameters determine how the data packet will be build and
normally need not be altered.
packet length - length of a packet including packet number, type and
checksum. (default 94)
padding character - characters sent before any packets to synchronize
transmission. (normally not necessary)
quote control character - control character are quoted with this
character, Control-A is coded as '#A'. (default #)
quote 8-bit character - characters whose 8th bit is set are quoted
with this character, hex A8 is coded as &H. (default &)
repeat character - 8 characters 'HHHHHHHH' is shortened to 3
characters ~'H, 8 is coded as '. (default ~)
type of checksum - CONEX supports 3 kinds of checksums, which consist
of 1, 2 or 3 bytes. (default 1)
packet terminator - Every packet is terminated with this character.
(default = CR)
=> I(nit parameter) C(ommon)
ASCII/binary file type - Binary files (files with characters over 127)
should be transfered with file type binary. The mainframe must be
set to this mode, too, normally with "set file_type binary".
Sometimes binary files can also be transfered with "parity none",
which is quicker.
Repeating - repeated characters are compressed in a packet. (see
repeat character)
Max number of retries - number of trials to resend a packet, which
has been refused by the mainframe.
Time out in secs - If the PC did not answer for the specified time
the last packet is resend.
=> S(end) - send files
Multiple files seperated with blanks and "wild cards" can be entered.
If you want to select from a file list, press "page up/down" and
select with "ins" or "del".
=> R(eceive) - receive files
This command is used to get files from the mainframe. If this file
already exists on the PC the old one is renamed to ".bak".
If the sender has already been told the name of the file ("send
foo"), simply press return when asked for "receive file". It is also
possible to enter "wild cards" which are understood by kermit at the
=> T(race) - handles output of packets to screen
trace errors - display all error packets on screen
trace all - display all packets on screen
=> F(inish) - terminate server on the mainframe
Kermit on the mainframe is terminated and CONEX changes back to
normal mode.
=> L(ogout) - terminate session on the mainframe
Like "finish" but terminate session, too.
=> cursor keys
Scroll the messages at the bottom of the screen.
=> C(hange directory) - change directory on the mainframe
This and the following commands only work, if kermit on the
mainframe supports generic commands.
=> D(irectory) - list directory on the mainframe
=> E(rase) - erases file on the mainframe
=> N(ame) - rename file on the mainframe
=> U(sage) - query disk usage
=> M(essage) - send a short message
=> Q(uery server) - query server status
=> During a file transfer the following commands can be used.
ESC - interrupts transmission completely. This should be the last
resort if nothing else works.
^T - change trace mode (= "T" in main menu)
^F - interrupts the transfer of current file, the transmission
proceeds with the next file.
^G - interrupts file transfer completely.
@ - enter debug mode: trace is set on; packets are only transmitted
if a key is pressed
CR - resend last packet, if transmission stopped
| error characters |
Some characters, which are output to screen, have special meanings:
Blinking character - Parity or Framing error: A bad character was received.
Alter bits/parity, if all characters are blinking.
rubout (dec 178) - Overrun error at COM port. Too many characters have
been received at the port.
up arrow (dec 24) - Sender time out: Characters could not be sent out.
In a network environment the connection is
down arrow (dec 25) - Receiver time out: Characters could not be received
from remote host. The connection is interrupted.
| Problems |
1. Interrupt numbers >7 on COM have not been tested.
2. Characters in Tektronix mode are not transmitted to HPGL file.
| Past history |
6.0 1st Public Domain Version in comp.binaries.ibm.pc
6.1 default COM3/4 Interrupt = 4 and 3
COM3/4 Interrupt + IO address configurable
up to 4 LAT sessions
ESC FF, ESC SUB, ESC ENQ automatically switch into graphic mode (Alt-G)
support extended keyboard (esp. F11, F12)
rotate interrupts configurable in conex.ini
format of CONEX.INI changed!!!
dial sequences are saved in CONEX.INI
start initial macro at 1st opening of a session (Alt-K, ■IN#)
characters from port can be remapped (Alt-M, character set: user)
conex can be patched (Alt-S, file name: conex.exe)
support B&W TCP/IP (Alt-P)
ESC stops macros only in normal or graphics mode
alphabetically sorted output in directory listing
alphabetically sorted output of macros in help screen
multinational supplement character set implemented
ESC ENQ supported in graphics mode
hercules graphic screen increased to 720 X 360 pixels
6.2 default setting changed to bits/parity: 8 none, emulation: VT100
single key replacement shown with Alt-H
default kermit packet size = 2000 bytes (long packet)
| Future plans |
- more rows, columns on EGA/VGA card
- FTP file transfer
- direct access to packet drivers
- emulate tektronix 41XX (I am looking for a description!! Send me a Mail.)
- support kermit larger packet size
- support other file transfer protocols
| Author |
Erhard Hilbig
Universitaet-Gesamthochschule Paderborn
Postfach 1621
W-4790 Paderborn (Germany)
e-mail: zahilb@pbhrzt.uni-paderborn.de
phone: 05251/60-2433 room: N2-316
FAX: 05251/60-3207
This program has been developed by me and can be distributed
freely. There is also a more detailed documentation in german
available, which is written in LaTeX. You can have it as LaTeX
DVI file or as a print file, which must be output using
"copy conex.lst prn/b".
If you find any bugs or have an idea how to improve the program,
send me a message!